Teen Tech Week
When: March 2-8th, 2008
What: Now in its second year, Teen Tech Week is a national initiative aimed at teens, their parents, educators and other concerned adults with a general theme of competence and ethical uses of technologies, especially those that are offered through libraries.
Why: This is your opportunity to recognize the teen customers and show them some love! YALSA’s Teen Tech Week committee has come up with a list of 25 things teens can do for Teen Tech Week... [click here to view]
YALSA's list of suggestions is not great, but can be a helpful starting point for generating ideas. I would also suggest:
- Creating a book/video display related to the technology theme
- Giving a brief presentation about creative commons
- Presenting a hot Web 2.0 application
- Engaging frequent conversation/questions about people's favorite technologies
Book Vending Machines
Libraries Will Soon Move Into Bay Area BART Stations By Connie Kim
This is an interesting article. The Bay Area is following the lead of the Scandinavians. Now commuters can check-out library books while they wait for their ride to work. This is a fantastic example of how libraries are going to meet the needs of their customers. The Contra Costa County Library is truly providing value and convenience. It will be very interesting to follow the roll-out of this idea!
I thought it was interesting that the article begins by saying, "It’s another sign of the future where computers and machines are taking the place of people. This time, we may be saying goodbye to our neighborhood librarian."
This quote reflects the ignorance that today's librarians must fight to overcome. Librarians are the ones taking the point on new ways to meet the needs of their community. We are responsible for implementing fantastic ideas like book vending machines!
Innovative Librarian Seeking Employment
Hello, I am Bjorn. Welcome to my Library 2.0 Blog!
Having recently attained a Masters degree in Library and Information Science, I am now seeking to leverage my education and professional experience within the field of public libraries.
I understand that a broad skill-set is required for successful librarians. Ideally, I am seeking a position that would allow me the opportunity to utilize a variety of skills I have acquired as a graduate student at San Jose State University. My course work and two professional-level internships with San Jose Public Library have emphasized modern public library services and the application of online communication technologies.
I have actively developed my knowledge within the following areas: (in random order)
1) Reference
2) Collection Development
3) Web Content Management
4) Team Leadership
5) Marketing
6) Community Outreach
7) Programming
Six years of customer service experience with highly successful companies in the Food Service Industry has reinforced my personal commitment to the highest levels of professionalism and personal excellence. I have strong interpersonal skills and a proven ability to work effectively leading teams of persons from other cultures and all walks of life.
I welcome the opportunity to discuss future employment possibilities. Please feel free to contact me via email: Bjorn Jones, Bjornthelibrarian@gmail.com
Thanks and have a great day!
Library Resume
Dynamically serve the needs of my community as a full-time Librarian
Focus: Public Library Services
Technology Skills
• Web 2.0: Knowledgeable of Social Networking Tools
• Web Design: Familiar with XHTML, CSS, Photoshop
Related Experience
(2007 Semesters) Student Intern, San Jose Public Library
Rose Garden Branch (Spring) & Evergreen Branch (Fall)
• Community Outreach: Coordinated with local librarians,
guided library tours, attended community functions
• Customer Service: Instructed customers in the use of
print and electronic resources
• Innovative Programming: Developed, delivered and
evaluated technology training program for the public
• Marketing: Created visual display for Banned Books Week
• Needs Assessment: Designed and conducted surveys to
identify and analyze needs of library’s user community
• Staff Development: Assisted library staff in completing
Learning 2.0 program
Additional Experience
(2007 – Present) Internet Startup Co-founder, MOOVME.com
(2001 – 2007) Food Server, Various Restaurants
(1999 – 2001) Market Research Analyst, Benner Research Group
Library 2.0
Meme Map by Bonaria Biancu.
Gaming In Libraries?
- Banned Books Week (6)
- Conference (2)
- Congress (1)
- Digital Arts Lab (1)
- Entertainment (1)
- Flickr (1)
- Gaming (2)
- Grant (1)
- Innovations (2)
- Intellectual Freedom (2)
- Internship (17)
- Job Hunting (2)
- Library 2.0 (5)
- Library Programs (5)
- Mac (2)
- Marketing (2)
- Outreach (2)
- Quotes (1)
- Salinas Public Library (3)
- Software (1)
- Technology Training (11)
- Video (4)