Internship Completed

Sadly, I have just wrapped up my internship with San Jose Public Library - Evergreen Branch. This experience was contextualized by three primary learning objectives. These objectives were setup before I began working. They included the following:

1. Demonstrate my ability to apply to use appropriate methodologies for planning and creating a display that informs the public about intellectual freedom. The display will be created and displayed during Banned Books Week.
2. Demonstrate my ability to create and conduct in-person surveys. These surveys will identify and analyze the information needs of the library's active user community.
3. Demonstrate my ability to develop, deliver and evaluate computer technology training programs for the public. These programs will take into account previously conducted needs assessments, available library resources, and customer needs.

The individual steps taken to complete these objectives have been documented within this blog under the Internship label. I have greatly enjoyed getting my blog up and running. My internship at Evergreen Branch was a great excuse for launching myself into the blogosphere. I look forward to developing new projects and topics to discuss with you.


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 1:47 PM under
