Class Evaluation

Here are the evaluation results from the five class participants...

1) Please rate the overall quality of the class.

2 Excellent
3 Good

2) The presenter was knowledgeable about the subject matter.

5 Strongly Agree

3) The presenter was able to communicate the subject matter effectively.

3 Strongly Agree
2 Agree

4) I will be able to use what I learned in this class.

5 Strongly Agree

5) How did you hear about this class?

• at evergreen library
• visit to library
• through library staff
• in house
• teens reach

6) Do you feel this class INCREASED your awareness about digital photos?

• yes
• yes
• yes
• yes
• yes

7) What would you suggest to improve the class?

• a second class
• be sure computer works the way it should
• make sure the main computer is working
• more practice
• make it a little longer

8) Do you have any suggestions for future classes?

• a second class
• pls email signed up student for future classes
• no
• next time again
• no


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 12:56 PM under ,

Class Completed

On Saturday, Nov. 17th, I led a class covering the benefits of sharing digital photos online. Much preparation was invested in curriculum development. Five members of the public and two staff members participated in the class. A few technical difficulties were encountered between my laptop, the Internet connection and the projector. I learned that testing all the technology components before the class is absolutely necessary. Also, using the same machine and the same Internet browser as class participants might contribute to smoother timing and delivery.

The following is a class outline I used...


Yahoo ID _____________
Password _____________


A) Choose Photos
Hold down Ctrl key and select image files with mouse
B) Upload Photos
Public or Private
C) Add titles, descriptions, tags or add to set
Tag photos
Save This Batch


A) Your Photos
Make changes (individual)
Order prints (individual)
B) Organize
Make changes (group)
Order prints (by set)
C) Sets
Share this set
D) Explore
See the world
Search by tags
E) Groups
Find your passion

A) Buddy Icon
B) Screen Name

A) FD Toys


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 12:42 PM under ,

Blogs + Programs

On Thursday, Nov. 8th, I gave a 15 minute presentation at the monthly adult services meeting for SJPL. The presentation was about combining blogs with library programs and covered the history and uses of blogs. I also demonstrated an example of using blogs to teach technology classes. The crowd response and questions indicated that the presentation was well received. The following is an outline I used...

= Personal Homepage
General Advantages

  1. Free
  2. Easy
  3. User-Friendly Interface
  4. Interactive
Why use Blogs + Programs
  1. Visual Compliment (like Power Point)
  2. Extra Info (links and media)
  3. Reinforce the Experience (revisit anytime)
  1. Purpose
  2. Growth Potential
  3. Outline Program Activities
  4. Extra Resources
  1. Collaboration
  2. Consistency
  3. Creativity
  4. Evaluation

