Banned Books Resources

The Liberty Bell is a symbol of freedom. When considering intellectual freedom and our rights to free speech it is helpful to read the original text of The First Amendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble,and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

When I was gathering info about Banned Books Week (always last week of September) I found several quality web resources...

The ALA offers great sites on the subject of intellectual freedom and censorship.

1) ALA Banned Books Week - Discover what this event means to libraries.
2) ALA Intellectual Freedom - Get the breakdown on this important topic.
3) ALA Store - Order some Banned Books Week gear for your library.

Here are several other interesting sites on the subject of censorship and banned books:

1) Banned Books FAQs
2) Freedom to Read
3) Top 10 Banned Books Pics


Technology Instruction Resources

The following are helpful resources on the subject of "Technology Instruction". Teaching people about new technology is exciting! Not to mention, this is a great way for today's librarians to enrich their communities. Let's face it, there is simply too much to learn and too little time to learn it. For this reason, a helpful technology guide will always be appreciated!

1) Learn how to Create a Flexible Webclass! Web Junction offers many resources for library staff who are embracing technology in their daily work. Bookmark Web Junction and check in regularly for good ideas.

2) The Patron Training Pathfinder from Web Junction is a hub containing quality links to various sites about technology training programs.

3) 30 Things We Know For Sure About Adult Learning is a resource that covers adult motivations for learning, curriculum design and classroom management. Be sure to review this document if you are teaching adults.

4) Purdue University offers interesting Training Materials available for download. These materials can be of assistance when developing your curriculum. Check out the "Train the Trainer" series...


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 8:11 AM under
