
The dates have been set and the preparations have begun. The photos class will be offered on the 17th of November at Evergreen Library. I've created sign-up sheets and a flyer to advertise the event...


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 7:39 AM under ,

The Decision

Took a few hours today and explored the top online photo hosting sites: Flickr, Photobucket, Image Shack, Shutterfly... The goal was to evaluate the features and usablity of each in order to determine which would be the best one to introduce during the library training. Each had it's advantages and disadvantages, but Flickr seems to have the most to offer, so that will be the one!

It's time to get started...


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 2:51 PM under ,

Adult Learning Imperatives

“Adult education is substantial and carries great potential for success. That success, however, requires a greater responsibility by the educator. We need to be aware of learners’ attitudes, past experiences, habits, opinions and cultures. We need to understand their perspectives and be able to help them discover how useful a change in behavior and actions can be for them. We need to engage them in the learning process and help them achieve their precisely defined expectations. If we can show them how our programs can benefit them practically, they will perform better and the benefits will last longer.”
(Letha Barnes, Director of the Career Institute)


• Community Welfare: improving community and mankind
• Prestige: advancement and higher social status
• Meeting Expectations: keeping up with peers and family
• Social Relationships: making friends and acquaintances

Curriculum Design:

• Adults prefer single concept courses
• How to solve a specific problem (identify the learning goal)
• Move from known to unknown
• Include all key-points at very beginning
• Focus on immediate hands-on application of knowledge (How-To)
• Include 2-way communication/interaction with participants
• Focus awareness on the direction and progress of the session
• Recap frequently and again at the End

Class Environment:

• Physically and psychologically comfortable
• Keep training sessions short
• Provide social experience with opportunity for dialog and networking with peers
• Respect and listen


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 3:14 PM under ,

Training Checklist

1. Determine which training must take place?

Surveys indicated that #1 topic of interest is photo hosting and tools.
Our first training sessions will focus on Flickr.

2. Identify tasks to train and evaluate?

• Online photos (overview)
• How to get signed-up
• How to upload photos
• Features of Flickr
• Printing photos
• Mashups and tools

3. Verify prerequisites?

• Regular Internet user (Know how to use a browser)
• Have an active e-mail account
• Interested in learning: How to store and use your digital photos online!

4. Identify outcomes to be measured?

Program Goal: “To increase customer awareness of today’s useful Web2.0 applications.”

• Does customer feel they have an increased awareness of online photo storing and photo tools?
• Was the training useful to their life?


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 1:42 PM under ,

Survey Begins and Ends...

The survey questions have been decided and the formatting is finished... and the results are in...

5o surveys were completed and the numbers in bold indicate the responses we received...

Time preference were NOT included for all surveys that indicated NO on the possibility of attendance.

1. How often do you use the Internet?

18 = Everyday
16 = 2-3 times a week
11 = 3-4 times a month
3 = Once a month (or less)
2 = Never

2. What Internet applications would you like to know more about?

12 = Blogging
Blogosphere? Why the hype? Know how to begin?

17 = E-books and Audiobooks
Where are they? Know how to access them?

23 = Photo and Image Tools
Free photo storage? Know how to transform your images?

8 = Feed Aggregators
What are feeds? Know how to get personalized News from one place?

21 = Entertainment
Streaming audio and video? Do you have personalized radio and online TV?

12 = Social Tagging
Bookmarking the Internet? Know how to maximize your online resources?

3. Would you actually attend a one-hour seminar to learn more about these topics?

21 = Yes
11 = No
18 = Maybe

4. What days would be best for you?

12 = Monday
11 = Tuesday
12 = Wednesday
10 = Thursday
7 = Friday
16 = Saturday

5. What times would be best for you?

19 = Morning
15 = Afternoon (early)
10 = Afternoon (late)
5 = Evening


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 2:50 PM under

Core Components (the start)

Every good training program follows a series of steps for developing and delivering training...

1. Setting Goals
2. Establishing Minimum Qualifications
3. Assessing Needs
4. Developing Curriculum
5. Delivering Training
6. Evaluating Training

My Goal:

"To increase customer awareness of today's useful Web2.0 applications."

Minimum Qualifications:

1) Able to use Internet Browser (Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari)
2) Have an active e-mail account
3) Interested in learning new things


posted by BJORN THE LIBRARIAN on 2:48 PM under ,
