Survey Begins and Ends...
The survey questions have been decided and the formatting is finished... and the results are in...
5o surveys were completed and the numbers in bold indicate the responses we received...
Time preference were NOT included for all surveys that indicated NO on the possibility of attendance.
1. How often do you use the Internet?
18 = Everyday
16 = 2-3 times a week
11 = 3-4 times a month
3 = Once a month (or less)
2 = Never
2. What Internet applications would you like to know more about?
12 = Blogging
Blogosphere? Why the hype? Know how to begin?
17 = E-books and Audiobooks
Where are they? Know how to access them?
23 = Photo and Image Tools
Free photo storage? Know how to transform your images?
8 = Feed Aggregators
What are feeds? Know how to get personalized News from one place?
21 = Entertainment
Streaming audio and video? Do you have personalized radio and online TV?
12 = Social Tagging
Bookmarking the Internet? Know how to maximize your online resources?
3. Would you actually attend a one-hour seminar to learn more about these topics?
21 = Yes
11 = No
18 = Maybe
4. What days would be best for you?
12 = Monday
11 = Tuesday
12 = Wednesday
10 = Thursday
7 = Friday
16 = Saturday
5. What times would be best for you?
19 = Morning
15 = Afternoon (early)
10 = Afternoon (late)
5 = Evening
- Banned Books Week (6)
- Conference (2)
- Congress (1)
- Digital Arts Lab (1)
- Entertainment (1)
- Flickr (1)
- Gaming (2)
- Grant (1)
- Innovations (2)
- Intellectual Freedom (2)
- Internship (17)
- Job Hunting (2)
- Library 2.0 (5)
- Library Programs (5)
- Mac (2)
- Marketing (2)
- Outreach (2)
- Quotes (1)
- Salinas Public Library (3)
- Software (1)
- Technology Training (11)
- Video (4)